Tag Archives: Birth Tourism

Russian Anchor Babies: Has Putin Already Begun the Invasion?

As loathe as I am to address anything from the MTA, this item caught my attention just now, as I am an hour north of Miami, and with all the talk about Dreamers and immigration from so-called “s**thole” countries, why is it not on the GOP’s radar that Putin is sending us his women to give birth so that they can claim American citizenship for the children born here?

Not that I am opposed to legal immigration and a path towards legalization for those who came here undocumented, either willingly or because their parents brought them here as children.

What impact this will have on the health care system cannot be determined just yet, but with all the problems we have, this will add to it in greater numbers.

Here is the article.

Let’s hope that Special Counsel Robert Mueller finishes his investigation into Russian interference into the 2016 election. Then he can turn his attention to Russian anchor babies.